Give me white chocolate over a dark bittersweet any day. (Peanut gallery enters and heckles me for calling it "chocolate.") The fact that it consists mainly of cocoa butter just makes me love it even more.
Say cocoa butter slowly and then say chocolate...see, it just sounds sexier!

Whoever first introduced white chocolate and macadamia nuts to each other deserves an Oscar. Add lots of butter and brown sugar and watch how perfection is created in the cookie world.
But there was another reason I made these other than pure love for the ingredients, I'm off to Hawaii for two weeks with my little guy and I plan to carry the Island theme through my posts until I get back.
We'll see how this goes; I'll be out of my zone kind of, but that might make it even more fun and challenging! Expect to see bajillions of Instagram pictures and incorrectly spelled Hawaiian tweets.
I'll be on the island of Oahu so if anyone has recommendations of places to visit or foods to try, hit me with some ideas in the comments. Mahalo nui loa...