Lately I've been going on a savory snack binge. I love to buy from the bulk bins at the store, a little bit of this and a little of that is much better than one bag of the same thing.
I still have a sweet tooth but savory and spicy would be my first choice every time! It's so easy to make your own spicy nut snack mix at home.

When I saw the recipe for this snack mix I knew that was the one. Partly because as I mentioned, I'm a savory snacker and more importantly because I'm all out of my bulk bin hodge podge.
Usually before I start a recipe I'll look through the ingredients to get a feel for the dish, and every line made me drool.
My only problem was sourcing Spanish peanuts which are slightly smaller and have a distinctive red skin. I really wanted to make this recipe so I adapted and used regular peanuts (sorry Meagan).

I don't think this made a huge difference except the red skins on the Spanish varieties look way more cool than regular peanuts. If Spanish peanuts were in the movies they'd be The T-Birds from Grease.
The smell you get when the nuts are cooking in the oven is amazing. It made me think of curry and Morocco and days spent in the markets of Marrakesh, even though I've never been I think this is what it would smell like.
I'm bummed I didn't make a double batch!

Adapted from Meagan Micozzi