I'm trying to decide if I have a lawsuit against Joy or with Heather who's responsible for setting up this cook book spotlightfor Joy's new book. You see, It seems that I'm gaining some weight and I can only assume it's because of the fantastic recipes from Joy's book.
I'm just kidding ladies, I wont be calling our iconic Californianattorney,Larry. H. Parker just yet but I will continue to make as much as I can from the book.
As Ibrowse through it I can see numerous recipes which would be winners at pot lucks and dinner parties.

These drop biscuits are ideal for brunch. Tangy with goat cheese and buttermilk but sweet with honey they could be eaten as they are, with jamor you could do what I did and make your very own breakfast biscuit sandwich.
When it comes to breakfasts I'm a straight up bacon and eggs kinda guy and when it reaches my table I'll stuff it all in the toast or an English muffin and be done with it. These biscuits deserve the goat cheese but you could even add some jalapenos or chopped bacon to the mix.
They were easy to make and a little different from a Southern style biscuit, you can taste the difference by using the whole wheat flour earning them a seat on the healthy bus.