I just noticed it's been a while since I posted a sweet recipe, but at this time of the year all I can think about is veggies and salads! I'll miss my slow roasted meats and creamy mashed potatoes but don't worry because my plan is to replace them with loads of awesome grilled meats instead.
Bring on summertime, brisket sandwiches and trip-tip kebabs!

My plan was just to make this sweet pea puree and be done, adding it to the linguine was an afterthought and then things snowballed from there. I ended up smearing it on a turkey sandwich, thought about how awesome it'd be plopped on some crispy salmon and ate a few spoonfuls straight from the dish.
It's so easy to make and if you use it just like pesto, the possibilities are endless. All that's in it is sweet peas, shallots, white wine, butter and thyme with some salt and pepper.
Peas require almost no cooking, just a quick flash in some boiling water. I've seen fresh sweet peas in a few stores lately, but frozen peas are an easy alternative.
I used Trader Joe's Sweet Petite Peas and they tasted just as fresh as the peas I'd steal from the neighbors gardens when I was a kid. Sorry neighbors but at least I was snacking on some healthy stuff!

Mixing the puree into the pasta is a snap! Just add some of the water from the pasta as it cooks to the puree and whisk until you have a sauce that's thin enough to lightly coat the pasta.
I used about a quarter of a cup of puree and added six tablespoons of the pasta water but that'll change slightly if you decide to serve more than my portion which was good enough for two people. Don't worry if you add too much water at first, just whisk in some more puree and you'll be golden.

A fresh and simple sweet pea puree mixed with some linguine and Parmesan.