These past few weeks have felt like I was starring in the movie, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, with food falling from the sky in mass quantities. Between Blogher in Chicago and then spending Thanksgiving on a cruise, my pants are giving me some serious stink eye. Time for some healthy couscous salad!

So instead of waiting until January to start overdosing on green salads, I'm doing it now. Disclaimer - Things may change when Christmas time gets closer, roasted prime rib gets priority over everything.
When I have a salad, I like it to be a full on meal bursting with different flavors and textures. I'll usually stick something on top like a crispy salmon filet or some sliced grilled chicken just to make things even more healthy.
I threw everything at this couscous salad. Blueberries. Cranberries. Roasted tomatoes. Olives. Pistachios. Scallions. Pumpkin seeds. Goat cheese, the whole enchilada! Enchiladas sound awesome right now.

But we're all about the salad dammit, stay on track Gerry! The dressing is creamy cilantro with Dijon, honey, and garlic.
There're so many sweet and savory tastes your taste buds will be all in a tizzy, but it works. I served this for dinner with a lump of pan seared cod on top and almost had to fight the family off, they were so excited.
Light, healthy and wall-to-wall flavor.

Couscous is my new favorite friend right now, and my pants are loving it. Check out these other salads. Couscous and MintEdamame and Pinto BeanMultigrain Salad with Feta

Healthy green salad with couscous, roasted tomatoes, green onions, goat cheese, pistachios, pumpkin seeds and topped with a creamy fresh cilantro dressing.