Rich tasting lemon bars with thin sticks of fresh rhubarb on top and baked in a buttery pastry crust!

Lemon bars have always been a major weakness for me! If you don't already know me, bars and brownies are my fav baked goods. I'll take those in a heartbeat over any type of candy or crunchy snack.
Wait, even a Snickers or a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup Gerry,... who even are you? I know, it's a close call over those two but anything baked in a buttery crust has my undying attention and love forever.

I was inspired to cross lemon and rhubarb together after reading this past months edition of Bake From Scratch. If you love to bake, then grab it from the shelf the next time you might be at the store.
They always have the most amazing pastries and pies! It turns out that rhubarb and lemon are super best friends together and push tartness to the max.
This is probably why I liked it so much, anytime I make lemon bars I'll usually quadruple the amount of lemon zest that should be added. Lemon desserts should taste like lemon, so pucker up friends!
I sliced these bars into 12 pieces, but wished I had done 24 mini style. They're slightly easier to eat and you can just pop them in your mouth and let the rich lemon filling meld together with the crunchy buttery crust.
With an espresso is even better. Bite, sip and repeat.

So that's it, I think your Monday project should be making Rhubarb Lemon Bars and watching everyone around you become crazy jealous. You can share but you don't have to!