One of the first things my wife and I did after moving into our house was to start cultivating the yard to how we wanted it. I planted so many trees and bushes I literally had green fingers, but one item I really wanted was fruit trees.
Some dried up and others didn't really thrive but our peach tree yields so many fresh juicy peaches every year!

I hate to see the fruit get wasted so as soon as the skins start to turn that peachy red, we pull em' and let them ripen off the branches. This seems to slow the process down a bit and helps me avoid peach burnout.
Picking them is not my favorite job for a few reasons. I hate spiders and heights, both of which seem to go hand in hand when picking fruit.
Luckily my wife done most of the spider involved work this year, but I had to still get up on my neighbor's garage roof and trim some branches...not cool.

I'm excited to be trying some new recipes with this years load, but the classics like this Fresh Peach Pie with Cardamom still have to be made. I used Rose Levy Beranbaum's recipe.
Rose wrote The Pie and Pastry Bible, a book I've had for years and always look to it for help when messing around with pastry. The recipe does involve some work but I guarantee some personal satisfaction when you pull that big heavy pie from the oven.
The hardest part is waiting for it to cool, hot pie filling is not good for the lips! Top each slice with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream (or both) and prepare to lick the spoon.
Adapted from The Pie and Pastry Bible