If you have a neighbor who has a lemon tree, I highly recommend you make friends with them and then make plates and plates of lemon chicken for them. Trust me, It'll pay off, let me show you how.

Your fridge will end up looking just like mine, full of giant organic lemons and then you can use them in all sorts of good stuff. If you crave savory, Lemon Shrimp Risotto or if you're on the flip side and have an uncontrollable urge for sweet, Lemon and White Chocolate Coffee Cake for the best tasting, most moist coffee cake you might ever taste on earth.
A bold statement but I promise you it's true. Lemons are multi-tasking ingredient superheroes. Did you know you can even set the zest on fire? A story for another day.

Lemon chicken has been around foreveerrrrr but I always remember it as a gloopy translucent lemon sauce. Almost like a savory lemon curd.
That's so not what lemons are for everyone. This version of lemon chicken is cooked in a pan of lemon juice and simmered until the juice reduces down and the chicken sucks up all of that lemony flavor.
Add rosemary, my favorite go-to herb, into this dish and you end up with an easy meal that cooks fast and has my kids licking their little fingers. In my world this is called a weeknight dinner jackpot.
Serve the lemon chicken with some easy roasted potatoes, brown rice or quinoa and your kinda done. Don't overthink this one. On a scale of one to ten on my chicken-ometer, this gets a solid eight! Looking for more easy dinner ideas? Check out dinner idea for shredded orange.

As always, if you make anything from the blog, tag it with the hashtag #foodnessgracious and send it into the land of social media. I'll find it and marvel at how awesome you all are!