When I Googled the word "Pasties" to do some research for this post I almost fell of my chair! I didn't know there was another product on the market which shared the name of my beloved meat filled pastry.
Maybe some of you are laughing while your reading this, and I'd hope so but if your still none the wiser to what the other meaning of pasties is, go Google it. Please don't get the two confused, Meat filled pasties are not designed to be worn on the body (can you imagine the tan lines?) and the other pasties are not made to be served with beef and veggies!
I know for sure, I'll never look at a pasty again without briefly thinking of a pastie, just really briefly I promise!

Moving on quickly...the Olympics are finally here and after watching the opening ceremony and some early games last night I must admit to feeling a little nostalgic towards my time spent growing up back home in Scotland. And then I remembered the 325 days or so of sunshine here in California and the nostalgic bubble went POP!
It did get me thinking about some of the things I miss though and food would be among the top five.
The Cornish pasty was a product made by the wives of the coal miners in Cornwall, England. They would wrap the meat and veggies in the pastry, making it easy for their husbands to carry underground.
It could be eaten cold and some pasties would even have the meat mixture in one half and a sweet dessert on the other half making it a complete meal.
Traditionally pasties are filled with beef, turnip, and carrot but you can find a bunch of other flavors from ham and cheese to chicken curry though the folks of Cornwall might have something to say about pasty bastardization. The pasties can be eaten hot or cold making them an ideal picnic munchy or you can eat them like me...with a side of baked beans and a nice dark beer.
I used a Newcastle Ale in the picture otherwise known back home as a "Nooky Broon" aaaaand then I drank it while writing the post...Score!