I thought about keeping this recipe until fall, after all it's apple pie...kinda, sort of but I used the barbecue to cook these so I figure we're still in summer mode. Easy to make and a great way to finish of a lazy day of barbecuing.
There's not many desserts around for the barbecue but it's not an impossible task and fruit is usually the easiest to use but don't forget Smore's day is on August 10th!

I used Granny Smiths for my baked apples. I suppose you could use a red apple but in my experience they seem to get mushy, Grammy's apples stay nice and chunky and tart.
The top is a crunchy streusel crumb and after the apples are done, they sit in a puddle of sweet caramel juice which should be spooned over the top. These apples could be cooked in the oven but where's the fun in that and you'd be heating up your kitchen creating frayed tempers and calls for emergency beer, wait...I think that's my kitchen.