Delicious and easy Peach Skewers with mozzarella, Prosciutto, and fresh basil.

If you could trap everything summer in an appetizer, these peach skewers would be it! Juicy peaches are everyyyyywhere right now and that makes me (and the kids) happy!
I had a peach tree in my yard for so many years but decided to chop it down to make way for some new studio and office space, and I sort of miss it. Every year that tree would produce so much fruit!
But hey peaches are easy to find at the store so bring on the summer peach recipes like this peach salad or my favorite peach cobbler recipe.

These peach skewers are easy, super-tasty and fun which sounds like how I like my summer days to be actually! You can eat them piece by piece but I recommend that you just pop the whole skewer in your mouth and pull all four ingredients of at the same time.
You'll get a little sweet from the peaches, some savory from the prosciutto and basil and then a teeny lemon taste from the olive oil and lemon drizzle. If you're a crazy alfresco loving summer entertainer like we are here, these peach skewers should be on your next party menu for sure.
Make sure you make a whole bunch because these will disappear fast.

Yellow or white fruit for my peach skewers?
It really doesn't matter, I used yellow just because they contrast better beside the white mozzarella balls. Yellow peaches are slightly more acidic than the sweeter white peaches.
But as long as your peaches are ripe, then your set for some epic appetizers. Prosciutto can be switched up for any salami or your favorite Italian meat, make sure it's ultra thinly sliced.
Try and find mozzarella ciglione which are balls of mozzarella about the size of a cherry. They're the perfect size for popping in your mouth and you don't want to overload these skewers.
Trader Joe's sells them in a marinade which is great, but if you can only find plain just toss them with a little salt and black pepper. Is fresh basil really necessary?
Yes, yes and yes again! The basil flavor will remind you of caprese and we all adore caprese, right? I love to see what you guys are making through the summer so don't forget to tag me on Instagram @foodnessgracious so I can check out all of your yummy recipes!!