Oh man, I have a serious love affair with citrus cakes, especially lemon and especially Starbucks lemon loaf cake.
But this time my mission was to make two giant navel oranges disappear from the fruit basket. A good manly squeezeand some fresh thyme is all it took along with some roasted pistachios to come up with this Orange Thyme and Pistachio Butter Cake.

I'm a huge fan of using herbs in desserts, check out the links at the end of this post and see some other herb infused recipes. If you do decide to create a dessert and add herbs, just make sure you use fresh and not dried.
Fresh herbs always have more flavor and add them in your mix at the very last stage of mixing. Rosemary, thyme, basil and lavender are all safe bets to use so next time you end up baking in the kitchen, throw in some herbs and see what happens!

I topped the cake with a really thin orange glaze, because who doesn't need more orange flavor. In fact I loved this cake so much I'm having a slice for breakfast right now as I finish writing this post!
That's right, when I should have been hitting the publish button last night I was snoring like a bull beside the kids. After waking up at 1 am with a horrible stiff neck and seconds of "Where the heck am I?" It was back to bed for me.

You can serve this cake with some whipped cream or make extra orange glaze and pour it over each slice.