Simple desserts are a great way to show how much of a rock star you can be in the kitchen. It's almost like being a magician, and making people think that you spent all day making something amazing for them.

Pots de creme are amazing but don't require any sweat to be broken or even a slight rise in heart rate. And they need to be made ahead so that leaves even more time for you to...
Drink more wine.
Read a few more pages of that book.
Spend more time at the table if you're having friends over because dessert is already sorted.

As for ingredients, there's really not much to source so try and get some of the good stuff - chocolate I'm looking at you. Look for a dark at least 60%.
Heavy cream and milk along with some egg yolks make the base for this custard.
I used DairyPure whole milk which is the only one backed by a strict purity promise. It contains no growth hormones, is tested for antibiotics and comes from cows fed a healthy diet.
Happy cows - better milk - equal amazing desserts. That's my favorite math.
Because these chocolate pots de creme are so rich, I had a hard time finding a small container to bake them in. All of my ramekins are too big. I found some glass Weck jars which are the German equivalent of Ball canning jars.
Because the oven temperature is only at 300 degrees, it should be okay to use these or the Ball mason jars if you don't have anything else. Each one should hold about 3/4 cup of the cream mixture.

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This post was sponsored by DairyPure and compensation was provided. All thoughts and opinions are always my own.
Recipe from Bouchon.