Easy Corned Beef Sliders with Mustard! Perfect for using up those leftovers!!

March is one of my favorite months. It's my birthday, my boys birthday, the start of spring (kind of) and the month I met my wife in the romantic streets of Dublin, Ireland.
Do you see how I'm segueing into St Patrick's Day here? Yup it's the month of all things green, pinching random strangers because of their wardrobe choice colors and corned beef.
Not only do you get my recipe, you end up with another 10 to go and visit. I hope you get some inspiration, whether you're having a party or making treats for school I'm sure you'll find something for any hour of the day.
There was one little catch that Dorothy added and that was, each of our recipes had to be made using a Pillsbury product. I can't be scared out of any challenge- except skydiving- so I came up with these super quick and easy corned beef sliders.
Instead of using a bread roll, I used Pillsbury's Grands Original Biscuits and simply added some thinly sliced corned beef, spicy mustard and Irish cheddar. If you're looking for a fast and easy way to get rid of that extra corned beef on March 18, then this is it!