I learned a few things when I was making these pumpkin muffins. I realized it's okay if all you have are jumbo muffin pan liners, with a little origami you can still use them for regular sized muffins.
I also learned that when you don't have any sunflower oil, you can easily switch to another oil and things will still work out.

This especially holds true for baking, though I'd be more careful for high heat recipes. But luckily for me being a Pompeian Pantry Insider (#PantryInsiders) I had a bottle of Pompeian Oliv Extra premium blended oil.
It's a mediterranean blend of canola, extra virgin and grapeseed oils and perfect for baking! Having the grapeseed in the combination is also great for high heat cooking such as stir-fry's and roasting, but without having the kitchen full of blue smoke and the hood fan screaming louder than an F-16 jet engine.
Been there done that, but haven't we all? I know you might be thinking, OMG not another recipe for pumpkin muffins but wait, I can justify this.
They're ridiculously easy to make meaning you can have fresh baked muffins on the table in about 35 minutes, depending on how fast (or slow) you like to move when you get out of bed. I like to eat mine warm, cut in half and smeared with butter.
It's also a given there should be some coffee within arms length too.

Pompeian OlivExtra delivers a boom boom pow of three different nutritions. The extra virgin oil is packed with monounsaturated fats while the grapeseed and canola oils are throwing some important omega 6 and 3 at you!
Man, this blended oil sounds tough but not so tough that it can't lighten up some fragile salad leaves or be a garnish drizzle on top of a bowl of creamy mushroom soup. I always like to try a teaspoon of my olive oil, this one was on the grassy side with a tiny finish of lemon.
OlivExtra is a great cooking oil to have in your pantry, you can use it for a wide range of recipes and it won't let you down.

As a Pompeian Pantry insider I was compensated for this post. But remember, all ideas and thoughts are always my own!