This homemade fresh Strawberry Lavender Lemonade is mega-refreshing and still perfect for the last weeks of summer! Make a giant pitcher of it and keep it in the fridge ready to pour.

I'm all about trying to incorporate herbs into sweet food and drink recipes because most of the time, it works! I say "most" only because their have been a few instances where basil and pineapple tasted like soap and mint and rhubarb just couldn't get along together.
Previous winners have been this Mango and Basil Spritzer and Strawberry Mint Daiquiri. This recipe isn't rocket science, there's a million lemonade recipes available and I can't really take the credit for this one.
The idea came from a recent trip to the central coast of California. The family and I sat down for dinner at The Granada Hotel and Bistro in downtown San Luis Obispo.
The server gave my kids some options and Q decided to have Strawberry Lavender Lemonade. I raised an eyebrow but remembered this is the kid who will mow down an entire sashimi salad and throw back oysters at age six. He loved the lemonade.

So I promised him I'd make it when we got back home. Between part of a recipe from Epicurious and lot's of taste testing I ended up with a pretty tasty version close to Granada Bistro's strawberry lavender lemonade.
It's so easy and try buying the dried lavender from a store that offers it from the bulk bins. You won't need that much, in fact I paid 25 cents for almost a cup. The fresh lavender stems came from a neighbors front yard, score!

Fresh strawberries, lemon juice, sugar and water is all that you need. You could switch out the sugar for agave if you prefer, just wait until the lemonade is made and then whisk the agave in a little at a time until you hit a spot that you like.
You can keep this kid-friendly or, of course you can add any kind of fizzy booze you like. Prosecco, Champagne or just white wine will turn it into a pretty awesome strawberry lavender lemonade sangria! I just gave you two recipes in one post. You're welcome (insert wink emoji here)