Without sounding like a broken record, I super-heart coffee cake! Every time I create one for you guys I get so excited and this Espresso Coffee Cake is my favorite yet. I kid you not, honestly, cross my heart!

I know I didn't invent espresso coffee cake because I've realized that there is pretty much nothing unique in the inter web these days. I must admit though I've never seen it available in any store or coffee shop I've been in.
It was a comment on another one of my coffee cake posts that provided me some inspiration. The reader wanted to know why it was called coffee cake if there was no coffee in the recipe.
Instead of having a "what the" moment, I realized it was a valid question and explained that coffee cake was a more of a general umbrella of cake. Face palm...let's get some coffee in that coffee cake stat!

I follow this Sour Cream Cinnamon recipe every time I make my coffee cakes with some tweaks here and there. I've switched the flavors up a ton of times and a quick search in the sidebar here will show you what's what.

I used espresso powder in this recipe which isn't something most people have in the kitchen like they have regular coffee. You can use regular ground coffee but espresso powder is many time more finely ground than coffee.
This means that when you add it to the cake batter, it disappears into the mixture leaving behind a strong smooth coffee flavor. Ground coffee tends to be more grainy and harsh.
If you do use regular ground coffee, throw it in a ziplock bag and run a rolling pin over it a few times.

Being an extreme hardcore coffee addict, I wanted my espresso coffee cake to actually taste like coffee. I made sure to mix plenty through the batter and then added crushed chocolate covered espresso beans to the surface before sending it to the oven.
White chocolate chunks also made their way into the coffee cake. Chips would work but I'm all about the melt, and chunks are just better, trust me.

Even though I didn't add any liquid espresso to the mix, for me there's only one way to eat espresso coffee cake.

With espresso. And in case you are looking for a super-automatic espresso machine, check out this thoroughly reviewed list to help you figure out which out to get.

This post wasn't sponsored in any way, I just love sharing some of the brands I respect and love to use with YOU!