Rotini Pasta Salad with mixed greens, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, and kalamata olives! One bite of this healthy salad will transport you straight to the Mediterranean!

Just because summer is almost on its way out, doesn’t mean that we have to start filling our bellies with comfort foods and pumpkins. We can still enjoy salads all year round.
Adding healthy fresh greens vegetables such as kale, spinach, and watercress can make it particularly nutritious. The good thing about the holidays coming down on us at speed is that there’s always a party to go to.
And parties usually always need food. Pasta salads are always an awesome choice because for one they taste amazing, they travel well and they’re always the first thing to go at the table.

October is National Pasta Month or as Dreamfields like to call it, National Healthy Pasta Month. And to celebrate you can find a different pasta recipe for every day of the month!
Each week will follow a theme, the first being Go Green followed by Spice of Life, Marinara-thon and Fall-ing in love. With all this choice there has to be a recipe that’s going to make your dinner choice so much easier in October!
As well as the abundance of turnip cooked greens in this rotini pasta, there’s also roasted sweet cherry tomatoes, black olives, and crumbled cheese. Salad gets better with creamy Mediterranean dressing of red wine vinegar and basil.

I used Dreamfields Rotini Pasta for this creation. Rotini is the spiral pasta and one of my kids favorites! Dreamfields Pasta contains Durum wheat, which has a higher fiber content and lower carbohydrate content.
Therefore, not only are you getting great nutrition from the perfect cook greens, but the pasta is also lighter. It’s a total win-win. You can also add a dip of your choice like yellow mustard or honey lime vinaigrette.
Ang top a slices of hard boiled egg. Just to sweeten the deal, and make National Pasta Month even more fun. Dreamfields will reward one lucky reader with a case of pasta just for answering a simple question.

This post was sponsored by Dreamfields Pasta. All text and opinions are always my own!