These pumpkin donuts taste amazing, are pretty easy to make and are going to help shed some important awareness on world hunger. Red Star Yeast has teamed up with Stop Hunger Now, an international hunger relief agency on a mission to end global hunger.

Stop Hunger Now relies a lot on volunteer work. Last year roughly 125,000 volunteers worldwide packaged more than 42 million meals for recipients in 30 countries.
They don't focus solely on food either, $9 million worth of donated goods including antibiotics, birthing kits, water filters, school desks, projectors, fabric and solar lights were sent to needy people. So as the holidays season comes around and you feel like doing something to help others, check out the website for ideas.
You can simply donate or host your own event, every little bit helps! Red Star Yeast would love for you to get in the kitchen and bake something. It could be as simple as a couple of loaves of bread where you can keep one and share the other with your community.
This would be a great fun thing to do with kids on a weekend and then have them help you deliver the baked goods. A fire station, church or food bank are all excellent places to drop off some baked treats.

Red Star Yeast will donate a portion of the sales with a goal of providing 200,000 meals annually to Stop Hunger Now, and to make things even easier for you I've included a link to a BOGO coupon for their 3 pack yeast. Now you have no excuses to get some flour flying in the kitchen.
Visit Red Star Yeast's site for lots of recipe ideas, or you could just make these easy Pumpkin Donuts filled with Pumpkin Cream Cheese filling. Don't forget to check out the other bloggers links below who are part of this worthy campaign, and see what they ended up baking.
Making these pumpkin donuts is quite easy and a perfect project for the weekend when things are a little slower around the house. I filled mine with a cream cheese and pumpkin spice cream, which was good enough to just eat straight from the piping bag!
Don't forget to make a double batch and then make somebody smile with the extras. Visit the Baking The World a Better Place site for more information!

Adapted from seventeen and baking. Makes about 20 donuts.