After buying a zillion scones from Starbucks, I decided I had to try and make a homemade version. I wouldn’t call these a copycat but they definitely follow the same rustic look.
I’ve always loved how the scones from Starbucks have the jam running right through the middle for all to see.

So that’s how I made these. The “secret” if you can call it that is to fold the scones over on themselves, trapping the jam like a turnover or empanada.
You can see from the photographs, the jam takes on it’s own life and starts to ooze freely from within the dough.
Some might say this is an epic fail, but I’ll stick with my favorite safe word…rustic. Cut the scones into squares about 2-3 inches square, plop some blueberry jam on top and fold one end of the dough over the jam and seal with a firm press down.

Having the jam loosely placed on the dough instead of mixed through creates big bites of blueberry flavor. I think if you mix the jam through the dough then the flavor gets lost.
You can serve the scones with room temperature butter or a good clotted cream, both work really well, but if you opt for butter, get the really yellow stuff because some things in life should not be skimped on, butter is one of them! A rich strong espresso is required too for complete relaxation purposes.
A dust of powdered sugar is the final touch for these super-simple scones. You can knock these out on a Sunday morning when everyone else is still sleeping, and then end up being Captain Super Baker for making such an awesome breakfast!
A dust of powdered sugar for pretty’s sake, and you can kick back and relax.